‘Each Day’ – definitely the anthem of CoartJazz 2022 for me

Posted by Dick Playfair on Aug 25, 2022

I thought I would struggle to find an original theme for a review of Coartjazz this year – for me it’s my third excursion there and here’s hoping it’s not the last. I have used all the superlatives before and I’m going to have to use them all again as it was – once again – really outstanding. As for a theme it was staring me right in the face, and in my ears, and at the very start of this year’s treasured Coartjazz ‘livret’.

Each Day

With apologies to Cyrille and Michael for the change to the lyric of their beautiful song for me the magic spell that every edition of CoartJazz weaves is truly that “each day brings something new, that lights up your way,” and especially when they played their song at the closing concert.  That really was another 2021 Le Bonheur moment.
